from the commuter

The photos which I took myself are random images of commuting and life. Enjoy the ride!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Commuters and Malls

It is easy to spot a commuter in malls. All one has to do is look for someone with a backpack (or an oversized bag) in the airconditioned spaces of the mall. Car-driven mall guests usually leave their bags in their cars and bring just enough luggage to the mall: wallet/purse or handbag. The commuter is still the standout mall-goer! Hehe.
I talk of commuting and malling because the average Juan does a lot of these two. Each is inseparable to the other. I know so because I am Juan. Especially around this time when it’s vacation and I am jobless, I have been doing a lot of those although I do not enjoy doing the former because  the heat is killing me! However, when I have successfully endured the commute and have reached the mall destination of choice, I am treated to the agreeable mall temperature that cools my drenched back! Perfect! Next stop, hospital! Hehe.
In this story, it is SM.
With my bag with me, I head to the foodcourt section , buy two slices of pizza, drink from their potable water fountain and take my place in one of those comfortable seats. I take out my netbook and pray for WiFi access. My prayer is not answered.  I pack my stuff, roam around and thank that there is Booksale around. Booksale buys me 20-30 minutes of additional mall time. Then, I tell myself it is time to go. “You’re down to your last eight pesos. “


  1. O, Hey!
    Hello there! My little girl is praying for you every night. God bless and keep the faith. =)

  2. but if it's pay day, we could get a cup of coffee (the cheapest we could get, which is still more expensive than Dunkin's!) from Starbucks and enjoy their free wifi!!!

  3. Thank you, Anonymous. I hope you know your identity soon. Yes, coffee sounds great!


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