from the commuter

The photos which I took myself are random images of commuting and life. Enjoy the ride!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Once a teacher,

I suddenly became excited at the prospect that my blog, well, at least a post from this blog, will be read by grade five pupils. The Reading  textbook "English Encounters" co-authored by Ivory Sioson was recently released, where a 2013 blog post I had written appears.

I am grateful that the author chose it to be part of the book. It gives me joy and pride, at the same time. In short, I am happy. haha.

I did doubt my capability to come up with a schoolbook-worthy article. You see, I cannot claim I am an expert in the English language, when I spot and make mistakes in my work, and utterances all the time. Every time I get the chance to reread my old posts, I see an error. My hurried style allows errors to be made, and I leave it at that most of the time. So, when Ms Sioson, the author, asked me if I could allow her to use a post in my blog for her book, not only did I willingly say yes, but I also gave her the permission to change the post when necessary. I had known her and her sister, and I was sure she would do an amazing job. 

What I am most excited about is the thought that it could teach the users of the book something. I guess the teacher in me has never left.  Like many teachers out there, the desire to impart knowledge or skill is still very much out there. 

As I am thousand of miles away, I was only shown a photo of the page where my name appears. I was suddenly reminded of that rainy day that inspired me to preserve the goodness of that now faceless lady whom I sat beside with in the FX, for posterity. To read the post, click here. 

The author of the book sent me this.

From Ms Sioson's Facebook account

I have asked my sister back home to get a copy of the book. You might want to consider getting one, too. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm always very proud of your writings and your cleverness to transport us through your texts. Keep writing, please!


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